"Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last."
~ C.T. Studd


Friday, March 2, 2012

P52: A Great Leap

 I made it in by the skin of my teeth! : )  Yes, I procrastinated, and, yes, I just took my photos for this week's theme.  I've been contemplating all week, but couldn't come up with anything photo-worthy.
This morning, as the rain was falling, I thought of the old days when we would go out during the soft spring rains and play leap frog (*what fun memories*), but no one around here was very keen on the idea.  I can only imagine us grown kids out in the yard playing leap frog! : )

So here is the "leap" . . .

. . . and here is the leprechaun who belongs to the feet.   : )

What a riot! : )

P52 hosted by my3boybarians.com


  1. Those are some BIG feet . . . and why is there so much dirt on those socks??? Looks like fun!

    1. Hahaha!!! You will not believe ~ we were just discussing that very issue! Ray was having a complex because I had gotten a picture of his dirty socks, and I told him that was what made the picture so interesting. Just wouldn't be the same with clean ones. : )

      His response as to why . . . there is more surface area on his big feet, so, therefore, they hold more dirt than small ones. : )

      You made our day! : )

  2. I laughed out loud. Great feet!

  3. Great angle for the photo! Looks like it would have been a fun time taking photos.


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