"Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last."
~ C.T. Studd


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Burning Up

 "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."
II Corinthians 5:17

Spring is here full force!  The pollen has been terrible lately, but that's not the only sign of spring . . . we have tons of new growth on our property.  New growth that is in desperate need of a good dousing . . . with weed killer, of course!  The driveway and the property lines are getting rather jungle-ish.  Say, if anyone likes poke salad, we have plenty of the weed to share!

 Ray and his big chain saw.  They always say big boys need big toys! : )

 And this?  It's the reality of camping.  No, it is not fake, and, yes, that is a quarter!  (Shiver!!!)

It cannot be stressed enough what a BLESSING our winch is!  Ray jokingly says that when there is a log so heavy that he and Dad can't move it, they just call Sara and she moves it for them. : )

It takes a lot of muscle to push that button! : )

The log is hooked up and dragged out of the pile,

Dad drives a short way so the log is in line with the stack,

and the log is then rolled over to the stack and. . .well. . . stacked. : )

Moving the pile one stick at a time.

They actually have to scotch the tires so it won't pull the truck backwards!

The cable is pulled out, and the process starts all over.

Piece of cake!

Just in case you're wondering, those big logs are what we will be building our house out of.

The Lord has allowed us to accomplish quite a bit in the short times we are able to spend there.  Hopefully soon we will be able to report something besides burning the brush piles, but until then. . .

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